Taiwan Government Character Design


The idea for this project came from a Taiwanese political phenomenon that I observed. By using the six main government agencies to create characters with varied personalities, my aim was to convey local political humor.





In this project, I learned 3D using Zbrush on my own. Since there was no one around to guide me, I searched online resources from both domestic and foreign websites, starting from the basic functions and gradually advancing my knowledge. During this process, I also encountered many modeling issues. However, because I was self-taught in this technology and followed helpful online resources, I was able to overcome the problems and complete this project.

Judicial Yuan

“Dinosaur Judges" were created to describe an outdated mode of thinking. Here, the conservatives have substantial power; however, their reaction time is as slow as a dinosaur

Character setting

Given that dinosaurs were at the top of the food chain, this position is similar to a judge in Taiwan. They suppress the country's judiciary, controlling power with their ferocious appearance.

Legislative Yuan

In Taiwan, public representatives often advocate their opinions, which leads to conflicts during meetings.

Character setting

The public representatives have baby faces, making they look friendly and kind. However, they fight in government meeting rooms. Therefore, they appear to be brave Roman Gladiators.

Control Yuan

In Taiwan, public representatives often advocate their opinions, which leads to conflicts during meetings.

Character setting

Clouds in the sky are constantly changing. This design has a water faucet on the cheek, which represents controversy. Here, the association is with the Chinese phrase "Fang Shui" (放水), which means permissive.

Executive Yuan

In Taiwan's political and social environment, the Executive Yuan is required to explain their decisions whenever there is an issue.

Character setting

The character has a friendly expression and is able to fly everywhere, carrying different masks with different expressions that can change at any time.

Examination Yuan

Examinations Deeply Affect Taiwanese People. Thus, Those Who Want To Work For The Government, Along With Students Who Want To Apply To Better Schools, Have To Take The Lengthy Exams.

Character setting

In Eastern Culture, Exam Systems Are A Result Of The Ancient Chinese Empire. I Therefore Choose An Elder, As A Conservative Personality. He Does Not Have Patience, And Just Follows The Rules.

Office of the President

The President is the head of state and all commands require the President's instructions.

Character setting

This design is a human shape on paper board, without a face. The president could be anyone, while the tie represents the leader's spirit. This is only a symbol and represents a puppet being manipulated.

Taiwan Government Character Design


The idea for this project came from a Taiwanese political phenomenon that I observed. By using the six main government agencies to create characters with varied personalities, my aim was to convey local political humor.



In this project, I learned 3D using Zbrush on my own. Since there was no one around to guide me, I searched online resources from both domestic and foreign websites, starting from the basic functions and gradually advancing my knowledge. During this process, I also encountered many modeling issues. However, because I was self-taught in this technology and followed helpful online resources, I was able to overcome the problems and complete this project.

Judicial Yuan

“Dinosaur Judges" were created to describe an outdated mode of thinking. Here, the conservatives have substantial power; however, their reaction time is as slow as a dinosaur

Character setting

Given that dinosaurs were at the top of the food chain, this position is similar to a judge in Taiwan. They suppress the country's judiciary, controlling power with their ferocious appearance.

Legislative Yuan

In Taiwan, public representatives often advocate their opinions, which leads to conflicts during meetings.

Character setting

The public representatives have baby faces, making they look friendly and kind. However, they fight in government meeting rooms. Therefore, they appear to be brave Roman Gladiators.

Control Yuan

The Control Yuan is responsible for overseeing Taiwan's public officials to ensure a transparent and honest political environment.

Character setting

Clouds in the sky are constantly changing. This design has a water faucet on the cheek, which represents controversy. Here, the association is with the Chinese phrase "Fang Shui" (放水), which means permissive.

Executive Yuan

In Taiwan's political and social environment, the Executive Yuan is required to explain their decisions whenever there is an issue.

Character setting

The character has a friendly expression and is able to fly everywhere, carrying different masks with different expressions that can change at any time.

Examination Yuan

Examinations deeply affect Taiwanese people. Thus, those who want to work for the government, along with students who want to apply to better schools, have to take the lengthy exams.

Character setting

In Eastern culture, exam systems are a result of the ancient Chinese empire. I therefore choose an elder, as a conservative personality. He does not have patience, and just follows the rules.

Office of the President

The President is the head of state and all commands require the President's instructions.

Character setting

This design is a human shape on paper board, without a face. The president could be anyone, while the tie represents the leader's spirit. This is only a symbol and represents a puppet being manipulated.